Monday, July 7, 2008

Free Camels

I guess this has been up since May, but I haven't checked up on them for a while:

Unbuttoned-button-up and deep-cut-V-neck-loving French band Phoenix has posted a new instrumental track from their upcoming album Twenty-One One Zero for free downloads on their MySpace as well as on Cartier's. The tune is apparently part of a collaborative promotion with Love Cartier and humanitarian group Action Contre La Faim.

You can also watch the accompanying video which features black and white shots of Phoenix, just being really cool and using really cool stuff. Like curly phono cables. Awesome.

What does this track say about their new album? Probably nothing at all, given that all three previous Phoenix full-lengths have featured some sort of long instrumental track that doesn't necessarily have anything to with the rest of the release's aesthetic.

If I was going to be pessimistic, however, I would say that the track does sound a little more like the work of certain of Phoenix's Paris-based colleagues than does their past offerings. Certain colleagues who like to dress up as robots and go on certain tours featuring certain giant pyramids. And that Phoenix may be doing this because they have wrongly taken their subtle similarities to said-colleagues to be the reason for their earlier success, and are making the mistake of trying to pull a Hogyssey. Hey. Phoenix. That didn't work out to well for the future members of Arckid, and it won't work for you.

Nobody got that reference. Don't worry, that makes you better than me.

But I'm actually pretty optimistic and look forward to Twenty-One One Zero's eventual release, the date of which is not on Pitchfork's Summer Release Guide, (man I cannot WAIT for Thr33 Rings) and thus does not yet exist.

I just hope they tour. Those Versailles boys can rock it live.

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