Thursday, May 29, 2008

That's Awesome!

Just days after being used as a joke by some minor model in Maxim's Top 100 special (seriously, I can't believe the average Maxim reader knows these high-fashion models by name) Tripper Harrison is back in the news. His wife of 11 years is filing for divorce, and judging by her stated grounds, it sounds like Bill Murray's role in Lost In Translation wasn't too much of a stretch:

The complaint, which doesn't specify instances of Murray's alleged marijuana or alcohol use, alleges he would often leave without telling his wife and says he "travels overseas where he engages in public and private altercations and sexual liaisons."

Haha, Bill Murray is SO AWESOME! Oh...wait...

It also alleges Murray physically abused his wife and last November "hit her in the face and then told her she was 'lucky he didn't kill her.' "

Wow, Steve Zissou a wifebeater...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...that's not awesome...Not awesome at all...

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